how to build a website for free

Content for the Web

Marissa Kintz

Winter 2020


Website Purpose

I am using this website to showcase the work I have done in MACA 2725 Winter 2020 semester.

MACA 2725  Content for the Web

Macomb Community College




Select each project title to see the project details

Design Elements

A small infographic for a pet adoption.

Adobe Spark Page

A journey of Pokemon games through handheld consoles.


A breif history of the company putting me through college (Starbucks).

Spark Video Story

A short and sweet video of me attemptin to paint like Bob Ross in an effort to reduce stress.


A blog for all succulent lovers.

Social Media Posts

Hiring fair social media posts for Starbucks.

Online Ad / Landing Page

Ad and corresponding landing page for free Spotify Premium.

Website Plan

Planning the design of this page but mostly the about me page.